Saturday, July 20, 2013

First Appointment

Our first appointment was April 18, 2013.  I was terrified, I was a nervous wreck! Cypheus has been a God send.  He held my hand, gave me pep talks, and handed me tissues to wipe the tears.  The technician poked around a little, and clicked a few things, and then said everything's fine.  Then she played the music to our ears, the heart beat!  I uncovered my eyes and stopped crying to see my baby for this first time.  She measured our little one and told us they were at 11 weeks.

She took a few more pics, and left the room.  And I got my first ever, "I told you so." from that man of mine.

 My baby loves to touch her face.

This is a favorite pic of my, she is covering her eyes.

In the words of the technician, look at those long legs!

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