Sunday, July 21, 2013

Growing Pains

May 14, 2013

With my 16 week appointment approaching, I started to have pain in my back.  I was devastated, I just kept thinking - oh God not again.  But, it was a constant pain, not coming and going, so I tried to remain optimistic.  I was in church on the Sunday of my 15th week (Sunday is the day I change weeks), and I was in so much pain sitting in a CUSHIONED chair, I couldn't think straight.  So Monday, I called the doctor and voiced my concerns, and we move my appointment up.  They checked for everything.  And once again, I was in the sonogram room, holding hands, crying and scared to look at the monitor.  And all was well!!  My doctor said, you are probably just growing. She also told me my cervix looked great and there was no need for a cerclage, YAY! I was like well alright then, the pain instantly seemed to feel better.  And shortly after that, I got another, I told you so for Cypheus.

15 Weeks
That would be her foot, I loving refer to it as the flipper.


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