Saturday, July 20, 2013

Keeping the secret

The weekend before our first appointment, I was in my cousin's wedding.  I stayed with my Aunt Bolivia that weekend as usual.  But I had to diet to maintain.  So I went to the grocery store and bought a few items to help me make it through the wedding.  The last thing I needed was to get sick.  I bought fruit, a Bolthouse drink, and microwavable breakfast food.  I had mixed nuts in my travel bag.  I ate 3 bananas before the wedding started.  My family thought I was nuts - or turning into a monkey.  What they didn't know and I didn't expect, was that my dress had become so tight, I felt like the Hulk and at any moment I was going to burst right out of the dress.  I knew there was a difference between the first and second fitting, but I didn't know I would grow so much by the wedding.  It all worked out!  We had a great time.

My honey told me several times, I should just tell my family, because there was no way I was going to make it through the weekend without someone noticing.  You know, since I was showing so much!

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