Sunday, September 1, 2013

The countdown has officially begun!

Today, I am 31 weeks, 9 more weeks to go. I have amped up my calcium intake as all of the apps have told me to. I'm not a fan of milk, so it's usually me drinking a huge glass of milk at about 10pm (clearly an after thought, but I do it).

I believe that Cacy has learned how to break dance this week. I swear she is popping and locking to Maze and Frankie Beverly!  She also gets excited during church when the preacher is really in the zone. This was revival week for us, so now I know it's not just our preacher she responds to.

I have not been to the gym in over 2 weeks. I really need to correct this. My mantra while I'm walking is "I'm going to have easy labor!"  Walking and prenatal yoga, it's calling my name. Maybe it would take more than 10 steps to get me winded, and my hips won't feel like they are going break under the pressure of the weight I have gained. Who knows?!

Yesterday we purchased the crib and mattress. So I feel a little more prepared. Next a pediatrician and daycare (I know 2 months is very short notice).

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