Saturday, September 21, 2013

33 weeks and 5 days - OH MY!

Well we are on our second trip to the hospital, only this time we had to check in.  Yesterday around 530 pm I noticed that I was spotting. So I called the doc and headed to the hospital. They wheeled me right up and then checked me in, after the placing monitors on me. 

The first line if business (after a urine specimen of course) was to head to radiology. Cacy is fine and got an 8 out of 8!!! She was constantly moving, which made it hard for the tech to complete other test. She did her breathing exercise. She is measuring on target - she looks to be between 4 and 4.6 pounds. Her legs are the only part that are exactly or just slightly ahead of schedule. But that's it. The placenta looks good.

So back to L&D we went. The nurse came in and said can you feel your contractions? I said, uuhhh no. She said okay, and gave me water. My doctor came in to examine me and it appears my cervix was opening, less than 1 cm dilated.

The contractions were steady, and the first thing they did was give me water. And we all know how much water I drink and how much I eat, and it had been hours since I had anything. That could be causing the contractions. But the examine proved a little different of course.

So I had an IV put in, I had blood drawn, a steroids shot to help develop Cacy's lungs, another urine specimen, and medicine to help stop or slow the contractions.

The contractions are a little less regular but have not completely stopped. I will be here until I get another steroids shot late tonight. Hopefully I can go home after. We are just hoping and praying that  I can carry at least until 35 weeks. She will weight more and her lungs will be much more developed. I'm going to try and take  advantage of being confined to a bed all day no matter how uncomfortable it is. Cacy's doing well. Her heart beat is steady and she is definitely moving a lot. A whole lot!!! Which she always seems to do when I get good rest.

Keep us in your prayers!

My jewelry for the day.

Just for a point of reference, this was Tuesday:


  1. You are too cute by the way! I'm praying for you :-)

  2. Look at Canita! You are so cute preggers! Glad you and baby Cacy are doing well :)
