Saturday, September 21, 2013

Back Home and Officially on Bed Rest

I was discharged from the hospital Thursday night sometime, I arrived home around midnight. I slept like a baby, except for the bathroom runs, and I mean runs! I had to move to make it. After all the IV fluids and water I had, it was an adventure.

Friday, I didn't eat a whole lot. I ate as I was hungry, and I spent most of the day chasing down my prescription. Baby Cacy was taking it easy, which is always nerve racking. But last night she amped up a little and this morning she even more active, and I'm extremely happy!!!

Thanks for all the prayers, well wishes, and help. It's nice to have a network when your far from home and family.

So now that I'm on official bed rest, I'm surrounded by food and electronics. Maybe I can officially clean out my email this weekend.

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