Thursday, August 1, 2013

The call!

I am now 26 weeks! What a blessing! Cacy is moving and grooving. It's so much fun to watch my tummy. Some times I compare it to seeing the image of the lochness monster.

Earlier this week I had my glucose test, the 1 hour test. My doctor said she would be surprised if I failed. But those of you that know me, know its a serious possibility. Well, the next day I receive "the call". I see the doctors office come up on my caller ID, and I just know. My sugar level is 3 points over! So, I have a 3 hour test scheduled. I'm going to take it easy on sugar for the next few days. If my level is still high (whether I pass or fail), I know I will need to really watch what I'm eating.

I will check-in in about a week or so.

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