Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Good Call

So, I got the "good" call today.  I passed my glucose test, and I am back on track.  I was told by several co-workers that I looked so worried over the last few days.  I didn't realize, I just thought I was tired and I looked tired.  They conceded that might be the case.

I actually had the 3 hour test yesterday.  I had to fast after midnight, until after 11 am the next day.  Fasting for a pregnant woman is medieval torture.  After drinking the glucose drink and then having four vials of blood drawn, I felt awful - all day.  I couldn't do anything to make myself get energy or stop feeling nauseous.  I was told by a co-worker that I was pale, looked tired, and very drawn.  Anyway, today was much better.  I felt better, and once I got the good news, I started planning my meals:

Breakfast: Twix
Morning Snack: Snickers
Lunch: Reese's Cup

Just kidding, I am going to take it easy on the sweets. That's so I can keep eating white bread, potatoes, rice and pasta!

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