Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Two Months Old!

Cacy turned two months old yesterday and she will be 9 weeks old tomorrow - Jan 1 2014!! Look at what God did, we are so blessed. She is getting so big and so long. She is more alert and cooing at us.  She has, on a few occasions, put the pacifier back in her mouth. And of course she always tries to hold the bottle like all babies.

Monday we have another appointment. I think, but not sure, we are getting shots. I'm really nervous. I dont want to see her in pain and I don't want to monitor a fever. But I want her to be healthy and I want to stop panicking every time  someone coughs (I guess this will never go away).

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Week of Firsts

This week my little Cacy made her debut. Sunday we went to church. She did so well. But at the end of service she woke up hungry and she let everybody know. We rushed out and got her fed. Then we got us something to eat. On the way home she started wailing again. I thought I got her calm, and she looked at me with  the big eyes, once I started to carry the seat in. I thought it was funny until I got her out of the seat. There was poop on her, me, and in the seat. Then I realized why she started wailing again :).

Yesterday she started day care. She did excellent. I cried and cried and cried. I literally sobbed out loud. It was awful. Thank goodness she was sleep and didn't get upset too. Daddy picked her up. And when 5:00 hit I was out the door I couldn't wait to get home to my two favorite people. I walked in and they were on the couch napping. It was so sweet.

Now we are headed to my family's Christmas Eve gathering. She will get to meet my family for the first time. I'm excited and nervous. She doesn't get her shots until next month. I'm going to have to play goalie and look out for coughs, sneezes, and runny noses...

We had fun!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Photo Shoot

5 weeks old

I decided to take some amateur photos for Christmas.  She did well for a while, and by the second outfit she was over it!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

1 Month Old

As of Nov. 30th (my grandpa Paul's 82nd birthday) Cacy is 1 month old.  She is an absolute delight.  I think that daddy is going to have to Ferberize Canita and Cacy.  I know it's the "I have waited for this youngin for so long" Syndrome, but I am so not ready for her to sleep in her crib.  (I am ready for a full night's sleep, but that's expected.)  And, I know that I am dangerously close to spoiling her rotten, but I like holding my baby, and talking to her, and singing to her.  I love it when she sleeps on my chest.  I can't stand to hear her cry.  I just look at her little face, and hands, and feet, and think look at what God did.  You know He is awesome, and is constantly blessing us.  But, I also know, that I am just human, and I fall short everyday.  And, He could chose any moment, or situation, to teach me a lesson.  We all know that lessons are hard, and sometimes painful.  So I try not to fall short, and to do His will - and I soak up every moment I can with this little girl.  Time is flying by, she has changed so much, and I am going to blink and be back at work too soon.

I am interested in finding out if she has grown in length.  She is already growing out of some of her NB clothing.  The outfit she came home from the hospital in, was huge, but now it fits.  It's amazing what a difference 2-3 lbs makes. I am going to post a picture of her in her Snuggle Nest.  This is supposed to last until she is 4 months old  But it looks like she has about 3 inches before it's too short for her.  So we will see how this goes.

Next month she will be getting her shots, I am ready for this (but not ready for her discomfort).  I am sure all moms know how stressful it is to know that people come by for a visit and you have no idea what/who they have been in contact with.  Washing your hands, a great habit, but if you are carrying a bug, well it is what it is.  I also think back to learning that you are sick three days before you show symptoms - it absolutely freaks me out!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

4 weeks old

As of yesterday, Cacy is 4 weeks old. She will be a 1 month old on the 30th. I'm reading the book The Baby Sleeps Tonight (by Shari Mezrah), to help us get her on a schedule. Because of it I am now trying to, not only keep her awake during the day, but keep her awake around feeding time. A little more each week. I will see how this goes. I'm already off on the feeding schedule.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

There is No Crying at Bathtime!

So for the first time Cacy did not cry during bathtime! Yay!  Us 1 - Bathtime 5.

She didn't even need to be consoled afterwards. The end result... She is knocked out!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

3 weeks old

As of yesterday, Wednesday, November 20th, Cacy is 3 weeks old.  So many things have happened over the past 3 weeks. 

Week 1
She shedded her first layer of skin.
She had her first pediatrician appointment. She was still 19.5" long and weighed 6 lbs 15 oz
Her umbilical cord fell off

Week 2 
Cacy found her crying voice (mommy did her share of crying too)
She had an exploding poo! It went everywhere.
She developed baby acne

Week 3
She started to shed the next layer of skin
She had her 2 week well visit.
 - still 19.5" (17%)
 - 8 lbs 8 oz (51%)
 - 35 cm head (35%)
 - All of her tests came back negative, she is as healthy as she looks.
 - 3 weeks still in progress...

Her face has changed so much over the last 3 weeks. Sometimes I look at her and think I can't believe she was in my tummy! She is kicking more, and moving more in general. We sometimes, loving, call her "2 chins". 

We are going to try and transition her to the crib soon. What am I going to do when that happens?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Labor and Delivery

We went in Oct. 30th to be induced, so that I could deliver the baby vaginally.  I got to Lex Med at 5:00 am.  I had a few things on my mind, regarding labor: 1) I hope I am not in labor for days, 2) I hope I will not need an episiotomy, 3) I hope I do not miss the window for an epidural, and 4) I hope I can deliver vaginally so I can recover faster and have more energy and up time for my girl.  When we arrived, I found out I was 3 cm dilated already.  I knew I was having contractions, but couldn't REALLY feel them yet.

They started the Pitocin, and I started to have more contractions, and the baby didn't like it AT ALL. (Her heart was still beating at a pretty high rate, not doing the "up down, up down" rhythm it should.) So they stopped the Pitocin.  The doctor came in and looked at "my strip" which shows the baby's heart beat, and my contractions.  She asked about the Pitocin, they explained the situation, and decided to start it up again.  My blood pressure was high.

SIDE NOTE:  My doctor was not on call, she came in special.  Yet another blessing!

The doctor came in a said, well let's break your water, I said "WHAT?!?!!" and Cypheus said, "Yeah!!! Let's do it!".  I took a "double take" look at him.  She said, "oh yeah, we are having a baby today!" It felt like things were moving extremely fast - I had no idea.  She said I could get the epidural whenever I wanted it, it didn't matter what I was dilated.  Before I continue this story, I have to say, I was told by one of the nurses that the "water" dulls the contraction pain.  And somewhere in here they decided to stop the Pitocin again based on "the strip".  Okay now we continue.  The water breaking was not very pleasant at all, but was like a walk in the park to what happened next.  I started to feel the contractions immediately.  I was in so much pain, right away, it was unreal.  The doctor looked at me, and watched my heart rate and blood pressure, and said we are going to go ahead and order the epidural.  My contractions were coming constantly, literally.  There was no down time in between each one.  I could, however, tell when one ended and the next one began.  The baby was not reacting to it well at all.  That's what was going on with her heart rate, she had no time to rest between contractions like babies would normally during labor.  True story (wink-wink) I dilated 5 cm in 30 minutes.  Which means I am now at 8 cm!

The anesthesiologist came in, and we got the show on the road.  Getting the epidural was not pleasant AT ALL, especially not while you are contracting, but was a very necessary means to an end.  I was very happy for it to be done.  Once it started to kick in and things got so much better.  The bad - contracting was horrible, the good - it didn't last more than an hour.  I am not sure Cacy and I were going to be able to take it.  The doctor came in and said, if the baby's heart rate doesn't change we are going to have to give you a C-section.  And very, very shortly after that, she said, we are going to have to give you a C-section.  We passed a clock on the way into the room, and it was 11:00 am.  They moved me to the operating table, and STRAPPED ME DOWN!  They covered me with a heating suit to keep me warm.  I didn't do much of the shaking you see or hear about after that.  I could unfortunately feel something, it took a while for the whatever-they-add-to-the-epidural for pain management during a C-section to kick in.  (Cypheus was allowed in the room.)  Finally it did, and Dr. J. went to work.  I could smell the burning, and feel the movements being made. I have been told that they have to remove your organs to get to the uterus, that must be true because it took a while after the incision was made before the "tugging" started.  I could feel my tummy go empty when they pulled her out.  I laid there on the table listening for the cry.  I just kept saying she's not crying, she's not crying.  Finally the "pain managers" told me they still haven't suctioned her.  So when they did, and I heard her cry, I of course cried.  All I could think was how happy and blessed I felt since trying for this moment for over the last 10 years.  And being 36 years old, it's just amazing.

They told Cypheus he could come and see the baby, and I swear that's the last time I saw him for hours (mild exaggeration).  He was with his baby girl.

We went back to the recovery room.  My blood pressure was still up, my white blood count was low, and my liver enzyme test high.  They did more testing, and the following ensued.  I had a two bag blood transfusion.  I was given magnesium for my blood pressure.  And, then I was given morphine for pain as the epidural was ending.  That magnesium had me sooooo drowsy, it was like me times one thousand (if you know how sleepy of a person I am - you know what this means).  I couldn't finish a sentence, and I couldn't finish listening to a sentence.  I couldn't stay awake during feedings.  It was awful.  Finally they stopped the magnesium, and things moved to normal.  My blood pressure however took a while to change back to normal.

I was moved to L&D, and in less than 10 minutes was moved back to recovery.  Stayed there for a while, and finally moved to L&D on Friday, Nov 1 (I think).  I was in the hospital until Saturday, Nov 2nd and was discharged midday.  However the doctor wanted to make sure that I made an appointment ASAP to check my blood pressure.  Well, I am exhausted, I hope included everything in this post, because if not - it's just too bad now.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

She's here

Cacy Liana Bunton
October 30, 2013
7lbs 2ozs - 19.5"


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let's get this party started!

Thursday, October 24th I had an appointment, I was 38 weeks and 4 days. Cacy was measured, and she weighs 6.14 lbs. my doctor told me I could deliver a 7 lb baby, but not a 7.5 lb baby. She asked what I thought about having a c-section, I told her I didn't want to have a c-section. So she said, well we can make another appointment or we can go ahead and schedule something. But for some reason I wasn't ready to make a decision, we had to think about it. Sunday at 3 am it dawned on me that she gains 1/2 lb a week, and another week would put her very close to 7.5 lbs. Also, with CB starting a new job on Monday, he could pontentially miss the birth. So I called the doctor Monday and made an appointment to be induced Wednesday at 5 am - TODAY!

We are on our way there now. I'm so tired!!!!!! I can't put it into words. I have prayed for Cacy's health and for everything to go well a dozen times. I hope she is not born 10/31, but I also don't want to be in labor forever.  We will see what God's plan is very soon.

Today I am 39 weeks and 3 days.

Friday, October 18, 2013

I Can See the Finish Line

I have quite a few updates to post, fasten your seat belts...

35 weeks (and 5 days)

My little Cacy was measuring 5.9 lbs.  She is very healthy and active.  Sometimes I think I'm having contractions still, but I am just not sure.  I have not dilated anymore.  But the doctors just keep saying any day now.  I don't think any of them thought I would still be pregnant now.  And, I have to say, after the hospital visit, neither did I.

 Yeah, she's smiling!!

36 weeks (and 4 days)

My little Cacy was measuring 5.14 lbs.  She is very healthy and active.  I feel like she has NO ROOM AT ALL. I am so nervous she feels cramped and uncomfortable.  I have gained a whopping 38 lbs, and my feet and back know it.  I have not dilated any more :(

No doubt about it, she's a girl!
The Nursery

My little handsome fiancé pulled together the nursery very nicely!

Don't worry, we will be removing the lamb (Gigi) and the boppy before she goes in.

Now all I need is a glider!

Friday, September 27, 2013

But God

We just had a but God moment. I check my registries a couple of times a week for when my expensive items go on sale. The travel system (car seat/stroller combo) went on sale this week - FINALLY! It took forever. In light of what happened last week, we have been searching for a comparable travel system for a better price. We found one, and the reviews were not good. So we passed. But last night I saw my travel system on sale, and we just got the registry completion coupon. So we had to jump on it.

We arrived at the store and went to go get the system, and the color we wanted was gone. Only the green one was left, and the sale price was not showing. So we went to customer service. The guy told us that sometimes the prices online are different. So we asked about having it shipped. And when he checked in the system he noticed it was on clearance, and they had the floor model left! So we went to check it out. It was indeed my system, and we got an extra 30% off for getting the floor model. We got the Babies R Us credit card to save 10% more, and then we used the completion coupon. Our travel system started at 239.99 dropped to $118!!!!!!  And he threw the base in there!!!! We used a gift card from Miss Kimberly S, and we ended up putting a total of $98 on the new BRU card.  We can pay that off in 15 days, no interest! CB just keeps saying "We came up!" "We done came up, y'all!"

I feel very good about the sacrifices I have made to save money for these items. They include - split ends, not that it matters because my hair is still growing and is 
longer than it's ever been. And my jacked up feet. It's really hard to give myself a pedi (which I would normally do, can't waste money) when your belly is this big! It's hard to shave and groom :), but it's done sparingly. No waxing, save save save! And no hair removing cream, it's on the list of don'ts.  That's just the tip of the ice berg, things have been cancelled. I drop my extra money in a box for items she will need. It has been a God send. But when we pay this off, all we will have left are gift cards. Thank you all!

We are buying necessities now, in case I go into labor soon. What's left are toiletries and towels. The other items can wait for a little while. She has a place to sleep and a few things to clothe her.  Prayerfully food will come from mommy! Holy macaroni, I forgot diapers. We will need a few of those too.  Well my friend Ruby got us started, so I guess we are covered.

Thank you to everyone for your generosity! CB, Cacy and I are all very appreciative!!!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Now that I know when Cacy has hiccups, I get so much enjoyment out of it. It makes me so happy, it's like entertainment. It so sweet.