Thursday, November 21, 2013

3 weeks old

As of yesterday, Wednesday, November 20th, Cacy is 3 weeks old.  So many things have happened over the past 3 weeks. 

Week 1
She shedded her first layer of skin.
She had her first pediatrician appointment. She was still 19.5" long and weighed 6 lbs 15 oz
Her umbilical cord fell off

Week 2 
Cacy found her crying voice (mommy did her share of crying too)
She had an exploding poo! It went everywhere.
She developed baby acne

Week 3
She started to shed the next layer of skin
She had her 2 week well visit.
 - still 19.5" (17%)
 - 8 lbs 8 oz (51%)
 - 35 cm head (35%)
 - All of her tests came back negative, she is as healthy as she looks.
 - 3 weeks still in progress...

Her face has changed so much over the last 3 weeks. Sometimes I look at her and think I can't believe she was in my tummy! She is kicking more, and moving more in general. We sometimes, loving, call her "2 chins". 

We are going to try and transition her to the crib soon. What am I going to do when that happens?

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