Friday, October 18, 2013

I Can See the Finish Line

I have quite a few updates to post, fasten your seat belts...

35 weeks (and 5 days)

My little Cacy was measuring 5.9 lbs.  She is very healthy and active.  Sometimes I think I'm having contractions still, but I am just not sure.  I have not dilated anymore.  But the doctors just keep saying any day now.  I don't think any of them thought I would still be pregnant now.  And, I have to say, after the hospital visit, neither did I.

 Yeah, she's smiling!!

36 weeks (and 4 days)

My little Cacy was measuring 5.14 lbs.  She is very healthy and active.  I feel like she has NO ROOM AT ALL. I am so nervous she feels cramped and uncomfortable.  I have gained a whopping 38 lbs, and my feet and back know it.  I have not dilated any more :(

No doubt about it, she's a girl!
The Nursery

My little handsome fiancé pulled together the nursery very nicely!

Don't worry, we will be removing the lamb (Gigi) and the boppy before she goes in.

Now all I need is a glider!

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