Sunday, August 30, 2015

What Has Mommy Petrified?

I will tell anyone that we have been blessed beyond measure for many reasons with Cacy - and not just the obvious ones. No real transition to her sleeping through the night, or even in her own bed (it was probably harder on mommy than anyone). We took the pacifier away with little heartache. Teething has been okay, I know she has had some painful days and nights, but she is a trooper and I thank God for that daily. It's only hard to drop her off at daycare when she is not feeling well. Hard for both of us, but much harder on her of course. She is a very happy baby.  With all of that, I am so very intimidated by the next big thing coming our way. POTTY TRAINING... dun dun duunnnn.

I think that potty training will be the hardest thing I have yet to do, outside of giving birth, in her very short lifetime.  All anyone can tell me is, oh girls are easy to potty train. Um, I'm sorry, but that really doesn't make me feel better.  I have no idea of how to communicate with my almost two year old on how to let me know in advance that she needs to go potty. One of the latest developments is she says, "I boo boo.", after she poops. If she lets us know in advance, I run her to the potty. She sits and plays with me, sings songs, and has conversations. But she has never done anything in the potty or toilet.  I have made a song, it's called "Boo Boo in the Potty". She sings it randomly. But we can't connect the potty to the boo boo. But we have two more months until she is officially two, and I need to really get serious.

1 comment:

  1. Girrrl I was the same way! Honestly her teacher did the majority of the training. She had a potty but didn't use it much. Instead she used the kid seat attachment. Knowing when she had to go #1 was a little easier. She still likes her privacy doing "her business!" Which is fine with me lol. Her teacher would start off seeing how long she'd go without the pull-up on. This all started around 2.5 yo. She'd get tons of praise for going with made up songs to boot! Now she only wears a pull-up to sleep at night. My advice is to buy panties and get her in the practice of wearing them. She will have accidents but that's how she'll learn to tell you when she has to go.
