Friday, April 3, 2015

Fun with Granny and Donations (17 Months Old)!

My darling little girl is growing up! Miss Independent.  She has been a quite clingy this week, but through it all I can see the changes.  She wants to walk every where now, she doesn't really care to be picked up unless it's for a reason, or unless she is really tired.  She is picking up more words.  The word of the week is "bubbles".  She wants to go "out" and play "bubbles". She is quite intuitive.  She is learning more each day, so no more free reign.  No more watching R rated movies while she plays! She grabs the keys and tries to open the door.  She grabs her bubbles and heads for the front door.  She tries to feed us.  The other day she grabbed a wash cloth and gave her baby doll a bath. This is a bit of a relief to me, and I am sure all moms will know.  If something tricky happens to her, she will be sure to mimic the activity.

This past week she got to spend a little time with Granny. WHO held her most of the time, so "deprogramming" her was fun ;).  But we had a lot of fun, and it was nice having Granny in-the-house!  Here are some pics.

I'm pulling out old items that can be passed on, donated, or sold.  All of the old toys get a once over, of course.  When I pulled out the bath time seat, I had to take pics.  I warned her not to try to sit in it because I thought she might fall, but she did without falling. Then she tried to get out, hilarious, and of course she fell.  Then she tried again, of course!!


1 comment:

  1. So precious! I'm hoping that I will be blesses to experience this type of joy in the future! And blessings to you, Cacy and Cypheus! And give miss Cacy a big hug and a kiss on the cheek from me!
