Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It Has Been a Long Time

It's time to update you on my Cay-monster! Cacy will be 15 months old in two days!!  She is growing up so much.  And right now, she is teething.  She has molars coming in and it's been torturous.  I wish I could take on all of her pain. I take comfort in the fact that she will not remember this when she is older.

It has been a hell of a year so far.  If we go back to Christmas... Cacy was sick.  She spiked a fever, and I was sooo worried.  I spent a good bit of Christmas Eve crying.  But, to be honest, it was partially selfish.  This was a first for me, since Cacy was born (feeling selfish).  I really wanted to go home, I was so home sick.  I was worried Cacy was coming down with the flu.  I feel comforted by my family and I get help and helpful tips. I went home the next day, Cacy was better, but not 100% so it wasn't a great visit.  And I had to cut it short, because she was not herself.  We missed seeing my dad for Christmas this year.  That was a bummer, and - AND, we have not been for a visit yet.  It's almost February and over a month later.

SIDE NOTE - There are a not of Is in the last paragraph.

Cacy has pretty much been sick the entire month of January.  Some days more than others.  We visited the pediatrician January 19th.  She had a rash from winter/cold dry weather on her face, she had double ear infections, she probably had a cold (constant runny nose and lots of coughing), and a little something in the left lung. The end result - another antibiotic, hydrocortisone, and albuterol.  That's a lot for my little baby to handle.  But, as usual, through it all she is a trooper - happy, smiling, and playful.

Also, last week, I was told that my baby is spoiled and that we need to work on that before she transitions to the next classroom, at 16 months old. Otherwise she will have a hard time transitioning.  We are also working on getting her on a better schedule.  Sometime around Thanksgiving, she started this thing of going to sleep late.  And we are working to get her back.  We have gotten her back to somewhere between 9:30 and 10:00 (for two nights at least).  But there were some nights when she was still awake at 12:45am! Unseemly!

There is so much to say, but I am tired.  I will work hard over the next few weeks to get myself on a better schedule.  Pictures will come a little later.  It feels good to be back!

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