Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Big Girl

Cacy had her 2 month visit yesterday. She had an eventful day. She spent 3 hours in the car stuck in rush hour traffic. Then at the doctors office we found out she weighs 11 lbs 10 oz, she is 21.75", and her head is 36 cm. she is progressing nicely, but has a small head.

She then got her first round of shots. I have been both looking forward to this day and dredding it. I want her to be safe, but I hate the idea of her being in pain, uncomfortable, or feeling down. She did very well, when she cried so did I of course. But when she was done I just loved on her as much as I could. She was great. She pooped through her diaper, clothes, and on the doctors table. I had to take her home in a diaper!! (She went through two shirts before getting home. And when she got home - another.) Good thing I have a very very heavy coverall.

This past week she has started to smile voluntarily. It's such a joy to watch.  And she has started to drool. She is so stinkin' cute I can't stand it. I just want to kiss her little cheeks.

This picture is of her starting to take a nap. With her band aids in tow.

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