Friday, October 17, 2014

It's almost here!

The big event is almost here! Cacy will be 1 in two weeks! The time has flown by, it's blowing my mind.  It has been forever since my last post, here is a quick update:

- Cacy has 8 teeth! That's apparently a lot!
- She is standing on her own until she realizes what she is doing then she sits down! We can't get her to take a step, but we are working on it.
- She reads books to us.
- She is extremely head strong. It's her way or no way. And she will fight and cry for how ever long it takes. She doesn't give up!
- She is climbing stairs with ease nowadays. It's a little scary.
- She has a shadow/stalker at daycare as of 10/16/14! She has been trying to get rid of him by growling and shaking her head no! I wish I had video.

At daycare they are doing a reading competition. This hinges on the books provided by the kids. So the parents were urged to bring in as many books as possible. Each book is a link in the caterpillar chain. The two classes with the longest chains are the winners. (I'm not sure of what they will win.) So I took as many books as I could on Oct 1 (27 books), because if I can't check something off my to do list ASAP, it reduces me to a crazy unproductive mess. But they keep asking for more books, and I keep trying to find more. Well I decided to take her books with stickers (previously thought not to be a good idea since kids these size put everything in their mouths). But the books come back in great condition, so I know the teachers handle them - not the kids, not at all. But yesterday one of her books can back with a note, an apology, and a promise of reimbursement. Apparently a new teacher was reading to the kids yesterday. She had to go to another room. And she left the book with the kids. Well when the other teacher turned around - all of the kids had stickers all over them. They were tearing the book apart and Cacy was helping of course (one of her favorite things to do is tear paper - true story).  It was hilarious!!!

Cacy and Auntie Bolivia!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

My favorite things!

I love watching my baby sleep. It's a colossal waste of time - but it makes me feel soooo good and it reminds me if what a blessing she is. I have the best baby in the world. When she wakes up, she looks around until she finds someone and then she gives you a big smile. When you pick her up she is still sleepy but she will lean her cheek on you - that's one way she shows love it's her way of offering a kiss.

My darling is 9 months old! She is so big and sooo much fun.  I just need to get her to eat food. Let's move away from the very expensive formula that I sometimes refer to as liquid gold.

Stay tuned.....

Monday, June 9, 2014

All I want for Christmas

It took an act of Congress, but look at this picture...

First 1/2 Birthday!

It's been so long since I posted, I hadn't realized that I completely missed her first half birthday. When Cacy turned 6 months old, we had a little celebration with balloons and ice cream cake. It wasn't as enchanted as it sounds, I think I got home with the cake at 9 pm, but we did it. Here are the pics...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Baby Girl

Cacy is 5 months old! She has developed such a personality. She is talking more and more. She is constantly looking backwards. I tell her that her eyes are going to get stuck in the back of her head. She is so active. It's hard to give her a bath. I'm so afraid I'm going to drop her in and her face is going to go under. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but it may tramautize her. I don't want her first under water experience to be a negative one. It could hinder her from learning how to swim tension free. Yes, I know that I can go overboard.

Earlier this week, I let her lick my banana, just to see if she would like it - she loved it! So I decided to introduce cereal into her diet. We started today. So far so good. She eats less, but I can't tell yet if the length of time between feedings has increased. Since she hardly ever cries, and each feeding didn't include cereal. I will track it more closely tomorrow.

subjected her to a photo shoot today. Here is my 5 MO little lady.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Move over!

My baby girl juts rolled over three times!  Yay!!! We are on our way to being mobile!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Speed Up... No! Slow Down...

Earlier in the week Cacy did something I have been looking forward to for so long. She reached for me. She was in her dad's arms and she leaned down and put her little arm out to me. It was an awesome feeling!!!

Just now, she was waking up from a nap. I give her peace until I can solicit a smile from her, then I know she is truly awake. I turned my head for a second to take a bite of food and when I look back she has her head and shoulders about an inch off the couch. She is trying soooooooooooo hard to sit up. We both were amazed!  She has developed so much over the last couple of weeks, I just feels so blessed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Pin-up Girl

My daughter is already working towards her modeling career!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

3 months old!

Our little Cacy is 3 months old as of Jan 30th and 14 weeks old as of Feb 5th. She is growing so fast and changing everyday. I have missed posting over the last few weeks because we have been under the weather and busy. Here is a little punch list:

- She is out growing some of of 3 MO clothing. She is wearing 6 MO clothing!
- She experienced her first snow (through the window). Daddy wouldn't let her go outside.
- She watched her first Super Bowl. We had to cheer for Seattle because an NCState Alum (sort of) was quarterbacking. They won!
- She went to see daddy coach for the first time. She was perfectly content! She made a few fans of her own.

She is talking a lot more these days. And having tons of fun with her toys. Here are some recent pics of the aforementioned milestones.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

She's growing up!

My baby girl is 12 weeks old today! Oh my goodness gracious! She is growing up so fast and I'm a little sad, but also very excited.

So much has happened since the last post. But I'm just going to hit the highlights. My baby girl has had a stuffy nose for longer than I think she should. And just this past week she had a cold. I had no idea there was nothing I could do but keep using the aspirator, saline solution, and humidifier. Thank God there was no fever, or nothing else, that came along with the cold. She is better, we just need to get her completely "cleaned out".

She is playing with her lie-and-play toy.  It's a joy to see her play, laugh and coo. Yes, I said coo!!! She is "talking" to us now, so we try to have meaningful conversations with her to keep her going.

She's eating more now. I started to notice that she was not happy when she finished her bottle. So I was slowly introducing more to her. But apparently, too slow. She almost had two bottles at one feeding at the daycare, so Ms. T said, I think it's time for bigger bottles. So, yeah, she's not my little baby anymore. She is my big baby.

She is now sleeping on her own. It was surprisingly easy. We are sooo blessed. We put her in her crib with pandora heavenly lullabies playing, and she had no issues. Mommy on the other hand got no sleep. I ran in the room so much it was ridiculous.  I have regressed a little, and did her a disservice recently, since she got sick she was having a hard time breathing at night. The flemm would wake her up. So I let her sleep with me. I sleep like a baby when we sleep together because I know I will hear her if she starts to cry. So I probably benefitted more than she did, so... I didn't "let her" sleep with me, it was all for me. Now I need to get back on our normal schedule.  Again, she has no issues in the crib, mommy is the issue. So tonight it's time to work on getting her back in the crib by herself. And I'm going to try and get some sleep too (prayers up and fingers crossed).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Big Girl

Cacy had her 2 month visit yesterday. She had an eventful day. She spent 3 hours in the car stuck in rush hour traffic. Then at the doctors office we found out she weighs 11 lbs 10 oz, she is 21.75", and her head is 36 cm. she is progressing nicely, but has a small head.

She then got her first round of shots. I have been both looking forward to this day and dredding it. I want her to be safe, but I hate the idea of her being in pain, uncomfortable, or feeling down. She did very well, when she cried so did I of course. But when she was done I just loved on her as much as I could. She was great. She pooped through her diaper, clothes, and on the doctors table. I had to take her home in a diaper!! (She went through two shirts before getting home. And when she got home - another.) Good thing I have a very very heavy coverall.

This past week she has started to smile voluntarily. It's such a joy to watch.  And she has started to drool. She is so stinkin' cute I can't stand it. I just want to kiss her little cheeks.

This picture is of her starting to take a nap. With her band aids in tow.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Love it When...

...Cacy wakes up from a good long sleep. She stretches out her arm, bows her back and purses her lips. It's so stinkin' cute.  Unfortunately I do not have a picture of her pursing her lips :(, or bowing her back. This is the closest picture I could get. She decided to wake up on the changing table. Believe it or not I don't usually have a camera handy when she is waking up.