Thursday, August 4, 2016

Just Checking In

Not much has been going on, so I haven't been posting. We are still trying to potty train. How's that going you say, well every couple of days I tell Cacy she needs a job to help pay for Pull-ups, ssooo... She is talking up a storm, and doing a very good job of forming sentences. She is a great source of entertainment. Cacy recognizes where she is geographically now. She knows when we are headed home and tells me I want this ways mommy (i.e. - let's go in any direction direction but home). She knows when we are passing two play grounds, she knows when we are close to Target and Pet Smart. And she knows when we are passing the library.

Now that we are traveling to NC every weekend, our schedule is a bit restricted. We have done a few things.

  • We go the the park (before the 100 degree afternoons)
  • We take a run in the stroller (late and not very often)
  • We go to the gym - Cacy seems to like The Kids Place
  • Gardening ;)
  • We went to the zoo (Riverbanks is now completely renovated YAY!)
  • We went to the beach
  • Most importantly, we spend time with our family!

We try to stay active and make the most of the time we have been given.

Cacy and Aunt Donna in the garden

An afternoon at the park

At the gym

Hanging with my cousins, Summer and Olivia

Supervising yard work with Grandma

The new sea lion exhibit at the zoo

Gardening with Aunt Bolivia and Uncle Ronny

Cacy's first flower bloomed, she picked out the seeds and planted them

Admiring the roses outside of Grandma's window.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Little Update

It has been a long time since I posted an update. We have been finding some silliness in these trying days we have been going through.

Cacy is 2 and a half years old today. Wow, the time has flown by. My youngin is growing up. So many changes to talk about, but I will just highlight a couple. She is doing a better job of communicating, she is putting together phrases. We are still working on potty training.

Here are some pictures...